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  • At Risk for Rat Bite Fever?

    Rats have made numerous appearances on the screen and the page as you've watched theater movies with your children, read popular children's books or relaxed while checking out family films with your home's technology system. Movies have made the rodents popular in the world of children. Popular children's

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  • August Newsletter: How Spaying or Neutering Your Pet Can Prevent Health Problems

    Do you know how spaying and neutering can protect your pet's health?

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  • August Newsletter: How Your Veterinarian Can Help with Pet Separation Anxiety

    Does your pet hate being alone? A visit to the veterinarian could help.

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  • August Newsletter: How to Introduce Your Cat to Your Dog

    Surprising your dog with a cat? Read these tips first.

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  • August Newsletter: Tips on Grooming Your New Puppy

    Pamper your pet with these grooming tips.

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  • Avoiding Dog Bites

    Each year almost 5 million dog bites are reported across North America and it is a rare evening on the nightly news when a dog attack is not reported. Yet, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, veterinarians and their staff make up a very small percentage of those bites in spite of their obvious

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  • Bad Breath Can Indicate Your Pet Needs Dental Care

    Could bad breath mean that your pet has a dental issue?

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  • Basic Dog Training

    Although there are various techniques used to train dogs, the basics of any training regime are consistency and plenty of exercise. Discipline and affection are also key to a well-trained dog. Dogs need a leader - they feel more confident with a leader. If their owner is not the leader, they will take

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  • Battling Canine Cancer

    Every day, Cindy Fleischner lines up her crew of cuddly canines for breakfast. As the four other dogs eat, Cindy pulls Katy, her 12 year old Shepherd mix aside for a peanut butter treat. Katy is battling lymphoma and this treat hides her daily dose of chemotherapy drugs. Katy is not alone in this war.

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  • Bearded Dragons

    Bearded dragons are generally docile, and their aggressive displays are rarely seen in captivity. It is reported that even wild bearded dragons will sometimes allow themselves to be picked up without a struggle. Popular as pets, bearded dragons or "beardies" are moderately sized lizards native to Australia.

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  • Becoming a Service Dog: Training and Temperament Are Key Factors

    Service dogs help thousands of disabled Americans become more independent. The first service dogs guided visually impaired people, but today, the dogs assist people who have a variety of disabilities, ranging from hearing loss to seizures to cerebral palsy. Before a dog can become a service animal, it

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  • Behavior and Training

    Ferrets have powerful, distinct and engaging personalities, and a playful and fastidious nature. Ferrets are diurnal creatures with their periods of greatest activity just before sunrise and shortly after sunset. They sleep about eighteen to twenty hours of the day, waking up twice a day for very active

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  • Best Pet Costumes

    Are you thinking about buying a Halloween costume for your pet? These guidelines will help you choose the ideal disguise for your furry friend.

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  • Beware of Ticks this Fall

    Do you know how to protect your pet from ticks?

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  • Bird Grooming - Wings, Beaks & Nails

    The grooming that is necessary for birds is something that may get overlooked, since typically we don't let them constantly roam freely around our houses like with other pets. However, just because they are set on a perch safe within their cages doesn't mean that their maintenance should be any less.

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  • Bloat and Gastric Torsion

    Bloat and gastric torsion is a serious condition and your pet should be rushed to the emergency room if this occurs. Certain breeds of dogs with deep chests and narrow waists, such as hounds, bouvier des Flandres, or doberman pinschers are more susceptible to a syndrome of gastric torsion and bloat. This

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